“Our present-tense human experience is like a living tree growing by a river. The current in the river is the passing of time. Our individual pasts are like the same tree fallen in the river, drowned now, and disintegrating with surprising speed. We resist time’s flow with our memories and language, with our stories ”
~ David James Duncan
Issue 26.1
Featuring the writing of Richard Bausch, David Fowler, George Estreich, Stephen Haines, Heather Lanier, Will McMillan, Lindsey Pharr, Suzanne Roberts, Jennifer Taylor-Skinner, William Torrey, and Nicole Walker.
Kindness Which Feeds Us Another Way
Kindness Which Feeds Us Another Way
By Allison Macy-Steines
Tonight, on a video call, a friend mentions her wayward garden, the way everything is overgrown and overwhelming...