By Allison Macy-Steines
After Linda Gregg
Tonight, on a video call, a friend mentions her wayward garden, the way everything is overgrown and overwhelming. There are four of us on the call. One friend suggests, “Maybe plant less next year,” and the other says, “Do you forget to water or what?”
“No, I water,” she responds, “but then I leave everything on the vine to rot.”
I joke about it being her hospice garden, where the plants live out their last days well-tended, but what I mean to say is something more about tenderness—how she continues to look after each squash, tomato, and herb, how she thinks about them, even now, after sundown, how the soil is made richer, regardless of what is or is not harvested.
Months before, in the group chat, the same friend sends a photo of a pair of mourning doves, a mother and fledgling, perched in a nest on the windshield of her car. Apparently, the doves roosted there for weeks. She chose not to drive again until they left, a choice that reminds me it’s possible to choose an alternative route at any time, to hoist up care over convenience, embrace rarity, accept.
Allison Macy-Steines earned an M.F.A. in Writing from Pacific University and holds a B.A. in Journalism and Media Studies from UW-Milwaukee. Her work is published or forthcoming with The Missouri Review, Under the Gum Tree, Mom Egg Review, and elsewhere.
Image by Danielle Earls
Beautiful essay! I love the description of the hospice garden and the doves’ nest on the windshield. I have a bunch of succulents inside and I love caring for them. I love how you use the two examples in your essay to describe the joy love of caring for a living being and accepting what is. Your observation in words shows so much tenderness. Thank you!
That last word is powerful.
Thank you for an excellent essay that reminds us of our life purpose.
Lovely. That last line is a winner . . . thought-full and thought-provoking. Thank you for this gift.
Thank you for these tender feelings from the vine and windshield of life.
How lovely and thought provoking. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world, it’s beautiful to see a piece of the world through your eyes. 💗
lovey images from start to finish.
Today I will be using your micro-essay in my themed section of English 112 (second-semester composition) at Northwestern Michigan College in Traverse City. The theme is caregiving. Many thanks for your gorgeous piece of writing and for timing it to coincide with the launch of the spring semester!
I love this, mostly because I love nature, but also it is beautiful writing. Last Spring, I wrote a piece about the mourning dove family nesting on my patio pillar. I was obsessed with watching them, learning about them, and I grew to adore them. My grandchildren named each one. I was sad when they left the nest, but happy to see them spread their wings and fly!