Editor’s Notes by Daniel W. Lehman and Joe Mackall
It was a wintry afternoon in what was then a rough neighborhood in Washington, DC, and a colleague and I were out scouting pictures and stories for the neighborhood newspaper we’d started in 1972. Our wanderings that day led us out for a news feature on a new city playground, where we watched kids shoot hoops, scramble up and down sliding boards, and pump swings until ropes went slack with their soaring. Continue reading . . .
“Darkness Erased” Ali Saperstein ◆ “Firebrand” Robert W. Fieseler ◆ “Ground” Jenna Hammerich ◆ “Black Boy Dreams of Flying Machines” Sean Enfield ◆ “The Day My Mother Died” Hannibal Hamlin ◆ “The Voicer of God” Sarah Minor ◆ “How to Tell the Truth About Recovery” Timothy J. Hillegonds ◆ “Naloxone, Syringes, and Pipes” Melody Glenn
Contributors’ Notes . . .