River Teeth Print Journal

Contributors’ Notes 8.2

Spring 2007

Sophie Beck lives in San Francisco. Her work has appeared in Film QuarterlyKitchen Sink, and Post Road, among other places. Fourth Genre has made her sweet and tender promises, so her work should turn up there soon if you’ve already devoured your River Teeth and would like some further reading.

Jill Christman’s memoir, Darkroom: A Family Exposure, won the AWP Award Series in Creative Nonfiction and was published by the University of Georgia Press in 2002. Recent essays have appeared in Harpur PalateFourth RiverLiterary MamaUnder the SunBrain, Child; and other journals. She teaches creative writing at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, where she lives with her husband, writer Mark Neely, and their daughter.

Liza Field is a hiker, teacher, and tree planter in Wytheville, Virginia, where she writes two regional newspaper columns, “A Mountain View” and “Fieldnotes.”

David Gessner is the author of six books of literary nonfiction, including Return of the OspreySick of Nature, and Soaring with Fidel. His essay “Learning to Surf,” originally published in Orion, won the John Burroughs Award for an Outstanding Published Nature Essay for 2006. His essays have appeared in many magazines and journals including The Georgia ReviewAmerican ScholarThe Boston Sunday GlobeThe Harvard ReviewThe New York Times, and the 2006 Pushcart Prize Anthology, for which his essay “Benediction” was selected. He has taught environmental writing as a Briggs-Copeland Lecturer at Harvard and is currently a professor of creative nonfiction at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, where he also edits the literary journal of place, Ecotone.

Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela is an associate professor of psychology at the University of Cape Town. A member of the historic Truth and Reconciliation Commission following South Africa’s first free elections, Gobodo-Madikizela is the author of A Human Being Died That Night: A South African Story of Forgiveness, which won the Alan Paton Award for nonfiction in South Africa and the Christopher Award for adult nonfiction in the United States. Her current research interests include the psychology of forgiveness in the aftermath of mass atrocity as well as trauma and gender issues related to HIV/AIDS.

Richard Hoffman is the author of Half the House: A Memoir and the poetry collections Without Paradise and Gold Star Road, winner of the 2007 Barrow Street Press Poetry Prize. His work, both verse and prose, has appeared in AgniAscentHarvard ReviewHudson ReviewPoetryWitness, and other magazines. He has been awarded several fellowships and prizes, most recently a Massachusetts Cultural Council Fellowship in fiction, and The Literary Review‘s Charles Angoff Prize. He is writer-in-residence at Emerson College and also teaches in the Stonecoast MFA Program at the University of Southern Maine.

Kevin Kerrane teaches at the University of Delaware and in the Goucher MFA Program in Creative Nonfiction. He is the author of Dollar Sign on the Muscle: The World of Baseball Scouting and the coeditor of The Art of Fact: A Historical Anthology of Literary Journalism. His writing has been published in Sports IllustratedIrish Studies Review, and the online journal Salon.

Antjie Krog is the author of Country of My Skull, an acclaimed book about South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and her experiences covering it for the South African Broadcasting Corporation. Krog’s second book of nonfiction, A Change of Tongue, explores the realities of postapartheid South Africa in multilayered personal and social details. Krog is one of her nation’s leading poets, writing in the Afrikaans language, and is currently Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa.

J. T. Ledbetter’s creative nonfiction has appeared in Big MuddyUnder the SunThe MacGuffinBurning Light, and the Merton Seasonal. He has published poems in The Sewanee ReviewAtlantic ReviewPoetryPrairie Schooner, and many other venues. His fiction has appeared in The Mendocino ReviewRosebudLake EffectKnock, and Crosscurrents.

Jacqueline Marino has written nonfiction stories and essays for Cleveland MagazineThe Christian Science MonitorThe Plain Dealer, and other publications. She is an assistant professor of journalism at Kent State University.

Juan Martinez is a doctoral student at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. His work has appeared in McSweeney’sPindeldybozThe Morning NewsThe Santa Monica ReviewWeb Conjunctions, and Glimmer Train and is forthcoming in West Branch and Interim. He is currently working on a novel. Visit his Web site at http://fulmerford.com.

Andie Miller lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, and has an MA in creative writing from the University of the Witwatersrand. Her work has appeared in a variety of publications, including Spectator: Journal of Film and Television CriticismThe Journal of Commonwealth Literaturescrutiny2Mail & Guardian, and Sunday Independent. She is the recipient of the 2006 Mondi Shanduka Newspaper Award for Creative Journalism. She is currently at work on a collection of stories on walking.

Dinty W. Moore is the author of the forthcoming memoir “Between Panic and Desire” (University of Nebraska Press), the writing guide The Truth of the Matter: Art and Craft in Creative Nonfiction, and other books. He has published essays and stories in The Southern ReviewThe Georgia ReviewHarper’sThe New York Times, and elsewhere. He was once trampled by a zoo elephant.

Donald Morrill is the author of three books of nonfiction, The Untouched MinutesSounding for Cool, and A Stranger’s Neighborhood, as well as two volumes of poetry, At the Bottom of the Sky and With Your Back to Half the Day. He has taught American literature and culture at Jilin University in the People’s Republic of China, and he has been a Fulbright Lecturer at the University of Lodz, Poland, and the Bedell Visiting Writer in the Nonfiction Writing Program at the University of Iowa. Currently, he is an editor of Tampa Review and the University of Tampa Press Poetry Series.

S. L. Wisenberg is the author of the essay collection Holocaust Girls: History, Memory, and Other Obsessions and the story collection The Sweetheart Is In. She is codirector of the MA in creative writing program at Northwestern University. She blogs at http://cancerbitch.blogspot.com.



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