Editor’s Notes by Mark Neely
Joe Mackall tells a story about a creative writing professor who told him that she and her students had been studying River Teeth but were having a hard time ascribing any kind of general aesthetic to the magazine. They could find “nothing consistent except a concern for quality writing” and “a strand of loss that seems to run through every issue.” Continue reading . . .
“A Memory, and Sorrow (An Interval for Bobby)” Richard Bausch ◆ “What I Saw as a Brand Problem” David Fowler ◆ “The Body of Apologies” Heather Lanier ◆ “Straight Ahead, Olympia” Will McMillan ◆ “Too Much Love: Confessions of an Erotomaniac” Jennifer Taylor-Skinner ◆ “Literature Is a Winding Way into Your Life: On Dorothy Wordsworth” George Estreich ◆ “Right in the Middle of Love and Pain” William Torrey ◆ “Bone by Bone” Lindsey Pharr ◆ “Bud Light Horizon” Stephen Haines ◆ “The Day After the Diagnosis” Suzanne Roberts ◆ “As If I Didn’t Know My Own Bed” Nicole Walker
Contributors’ Notes . . .