Editor’s Notes by Daniel W. Lehman
The police scanner sounded hard on the newspaper’s deadline—a Beech Bonanza four-seat aircraft had nosedived in the median strip of busy Interstate 64 right outside the city. My job was to hustle to the crash site, see what I could see, and phone in a story to the rewrite desk while they held the top of the front page open for me. Continue reading . . .
“The Cow” Kelly McMasters ◆ “The River Cave” Jill Christman ◆ “Fiction” Michelle Bliss ◆ “Hell and Back” Chris Rose ◆ “Transformer: How Tragedy Shaped a Journalist’s Mission” Mark Massé ◆ “The Caul of Inshallah” Mohja Kahf ◆ “Beyond Assumption” Heather Killelea McEntarfer ◆ “Cape Town, My Love” Mark Behr ◆ “Mystery Ways” Brent Spencer ◆ “Autumn” Kathy Fagan ◆ “Nine Lessons from an October Day” Michael Bogan ◆ “The Essay Mouse” Rebecca McClanahan ◆ “On Voice Prints, Ghost Thoughts, and Plates Set Spinning: An Interview with Rebecca McClanahan” Gretchen Clark
Contributors’ Notes . . .