River Teeth Print Journal

Issue 11.1

Fall 2009

Editor’s Notes by Daniel W. Lehman

The police scanner sounded hard on the newspaper’s deadline—a Beech Bonanza four-seat aircraft had nosedived in the median strip of busy Interstate 64 right outside the city. My job was to hustle to the crash site, see what I could see, and phone in a story to the rewrite desk while they held the top of the front page open for me. Continue reading . . . 


“The Cow” Kelly McMasters  ◆  “The River Cave” Jill Christman    “Fiction” Michelle Bliss     “Hell and Back” Chris Rose    “Transformer: How Tragedy Shaped a Journalist’s Mission” Mark Massé    “The Caul of Inshallah” Mohja Kahf     “Beyond Assumption” Heather Killelea McEntarfer     “Cape Town, My Love” Mark Behr    “Mystery Ways” Brent Spencer    “Autumn” Kathy Fagan    “Nine Lessons from an October Day” Michael Bogan  ◆  “The Essay Mouse” Rebecca McClanahan  ◆  “On Voice Prints, Ghost Thoughts, and Plates Set Spinning: An Interview with Rebecca McClanahan” Gretchen Clark
Contributors’ Notes . . .

More Print Issues

Cover of River Teeth 25.2

Issue 25.2

Featuring the writing of Sean Enfield, Robert W. Fieseler, Melody Glenn, Hannibal Hamlin, Jenna Hammerich, Timothy J. Hillegonds, Sarah Minor, Ali Saperstein.

Two koi fish swimming in dark water

Issue 25.1

Featuring the writing of Elizabeth Miki Brina, Kit Carlson, Brooke Champagne, Henrietta Goodman, Megan Harlan, Sonya Huber, Laura Johnsrude, Shannon McCarthy, Tierney Oberhammer, Jon Parrish Peede, and Justin St. Germain.

Part of a slice of watermelon. Yum!

Issue 24.2

Featuring the writing of Greg Bottoms, Elizabeth Carls, Jim Daniels, Kathleen Driskell, Michael Down, Renata Golden, Diane Gottlieb, Sydney Lea, Ann Leamon, Leslie Jill Patterson, Julia Purks, Claudia F. Saleeby Savage, Layli Shirani, Jill Talbot, Melissa Akie Wiley.

RT 24.1 Cover

Issue 24.1

Featuring the writing of Nicholas Dighiera, Nicole Hamer, Jessica Kulynych, David McGlynn, Lilly U. Nguyen, Craig Reinbold, S. N. Rodriguez, Ellen Rogers, Ana Maria Spagna, Leslie Stonebraker, and Jessie van Eerden.

Tiger Cover for Issue 23.2

Issue 23.2

Featuring the writing of Constance Adler, N.D. Brown, Andre Dubus III, Sophie Ezzell, Suzanne Finney, Steven Harvey, Mary Milstead, Jefferson Slagle, Ira Sukrungruang, Alexandra Teague, and Kathryn Winograd.

Cover of RT 23.1, Whales Dancing

Issue 23.1

Featuring the writing of Desiree Cooper, Michael Garrigan, Tiffany Isaacs, Jessica Johnson, Aaron Landsman, Sarah Layden, Tyler Mills, Marion Peters Denard, and Jan Shoemaker.

Cover of RT 22.2: Flamingos

Issue 22.2

Featuring the writing of Greg Bottoms, James Brown, Marianne Jay Erhardt, Jessica Franken, Jason Goldsmith, Richard Goodman, Nicole Graev Lipson, Shamecca Harris, Rick Rees, Abigail Thomas, and Emily Waples.

RT 22.1 Cover, Salmon Fishing

Issue 22.1

Featuring the writing of Erin Block, Michael Dinkel, J. Malcolm Garcia, Megan Harlan, Susan Jackson Rodgers, Ren Jones, Emma Kaiser, Brenda Miller, Micah Perks, Molly Rideout, Allie Spikes, Jonathan Starke, and Julie Marie Wade.

Cover of RT 21.2, Desert Road

Issue 21.2

Featuring the writing of Tim Bascom, Wendy Bilen, James Ellenberger, Kelly Fordon, Camellia Freeman, Nicole Graev Lipson, Mary Grimm, Kelle Groom, Kevin Honold, Phillip Hurst, Rebecca McClanahan, and Liz Prato.

Cover of RT 21.1, Fire Season

Issue 21.1

Featuring the writing of Noah Davis, Nicholas Dighiera, Molly Gallentine, Susan H. Greenberg, Stephen D. Gutierrez, Sean Ironman, Lawrence Lenhart, Beth Ann Miller, Jan Shoemaker, Laurie Uttich, and Leonard Winograd.

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