Editor’s Notes by Dan Lehman
So how do we live in these uncertainties? How do we hold on to time even as we are rushed downstream through its bends and rapids? One answer is literature, particularly the kind of nonfiction we publish here at River Teeth—writing that strives to tell the truth but understands how that truth is always obscured by the limitations of language and memory. Continue reading . . .
“The Bobcat” Donald Mitchell ◆ “Mirrored Transoms” Fleda Brown ◆ “Thieves” Jerald Walker ◆ “If Woman Is Five” Sonya Huber ◆ “Partisans” Joe Oestreich ◆ “And Then We Are Leaving” Tim Hillegonds ◆ “Unpinned” Heather Gemmen Wilson ◆ “Dark Secrets of Mother Trees” Gina Williams ◆ “What the Whelk Shells Foretell” Jan Shoemaker ◆ “On the Edge of a Tragedy” William Torrey ◆ “Wren Boy” Rebecca McClanahan ◆ “Creatures, Rifle, Red” Cate Hennessey