Editor’s Notes by Dan Lehman
Narcissism is much in the news these days, what with the present exemplar-in-chief posting almost daily reminders of the sins of self-absorption and grandiosity. Still, before we dismiss too glibly this comb-over phenomenon, we might as well admit that narcissism can be a charge leveled with some merit at memoir writing and its related nonfiction forms.
“A Stranger Here” Zachary F. Gerberick ◆ “Hunter” Lauren Hobson ◆ “Telephone” Brenda Miller, Julie Marie Wade ◆ “Neighbors” Michael Downs ◆ “View from the Lactation Room at the White House” E.A. Farro ◆ “What It Was My Father Came Here To Get Away From” Thomas Larson ◆ “The Descent” Andre Dubus III ◆ “Don’t Wait” Amanda Bestor-Siegal ◆ “Blur” Kerry Muir ◆ “The Stones I Carry” Reg Darling ◆ “O” Krista Christensen ◆ “Bethlehem Revisited” Brian Castner