Editor’s Notes by Joe Mackall
The other day I had occasion to drive through a town named Red Haw, just a few miles from my home in rural Ohio. I live in a small community, but it’s a booming metropolis compared to Red Haw, a town of Trump re-election signs, a smattering of houses, a few barns, and a Methodist church. Red Haw is an easy place to ignore, and it’s an even easier place to think you know. When I drive through a tiny town during the day in rural America, I’m quick to characterize the town by what I think I see there. Continue reading . . .
“Grace” by Jan Shoemaker ◆ “And I Will Give You As Many Bones As You Need” by Sean Ironman ◆ “Where Is My Little Ferret?” by Lawrence Lenhart ◆ “Distilled (From)” by Laurie Uttich ◆ “The Physics of Sorrow” by Leonard Winograd ◆ “Captain America” by Nicholas Dighiera ◆ “Jell-O: An Irrespective” by Molly Gallentine ◆ “What You Know Is Real” by Beth Ann Miller ◆ “My Mother’s Last Days” by Stephen D. Gutierrez ◆ “Camacho’s Violet” by Susan H. Greenberg. ◆ “The Beauty of Brook Trout: A Salvation Story in Six Parts” by Noah Davis