Editor’s Notes by Joe Mackall
While I sat reading the poem “Pause” by the great Irish poet Eamon Grennan, I read several lines that speak to me about the lot of the literary nonfiction writer. Continue reading . . .
“What You’ll Remember” Patricia Ann McNair ◆ “Invitation” Amy Alznauer ◆ “After Eden” Rosemary McGuire ◆ “Henry Clay Merritt, on His 158th Birthday” Mike Barenti ◆ “Funeral” Leslie Rubinkowski ◆ “The Deal” Kurt Inderbitzin ◆ “Unclean Acres: A Memoir of the Dark and Bloody” Alex Taylor ◆ “Caught” Joe Bonomo ◆ “My Soldier” Juliana Gray ◆ “Satellites” Joel B. Peckham ◆ “An Old Home, Who’ll Stay? Field Notes from the Nebraska Sandhills” Brandon R. Schrand ◆ “Drinking and Driving” Mark Sanders
Contributors’ Notes . . .