By Michelle Webster-Hein
Had it not been for the vainglorious crimson cardinal strutting up and down the branches of our lilac tree, I might not have noticed the discreet female who landed on a nearby branch and pretended to be interested in something else.
She reminded me of myself at sixteen–plain but curious, aloof, the kind of girl who imagined much more than she actually lived. When he flitted off and she followed, I had an urge to call after her, assure her that, in a few years, she would be grateful.
Michelle Webster-Hein writes and teaches in Ypsilanti, Michigan, where she lives with her husband and daughter. You can find her work (now or soon) in upstreet, Midwestern Gothic, Ruminate Magazine and Perigee, among other places. She holds an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Work by Michelle Webster-Hein has been included in Issue 15.1. She is co-editor of River Teeth‘s Beautiful Things weekly column.
Photo by Perlick Laura via Pixnio