By Michelle Webster-Hein
No matter what pandemonium has shaken the day, there comes a time a little past nine in the evening when we turn down the lights and close the curtains and our beloved drifts off to sleep in one set of arms or another. Tonight my clothes hang ready in the bathroom, the clean bottles in the strainer drip dry, and the fresh diapers tumble in the dryer.
I think of this moment often throughout the day–not, I hope, as a wish for the day to be over, but as a reminder that there will be peace at the end of it.
Michelle Webster-Hein writes and teaches in Ypsilanti, Michigan, where she lives with her husband and daughter. You can find her work (now or soon) in upstreet, Midwestern Gothic, Ruminate Magazine and Perigee, among other places. She holds an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Work by Michelle Webster-Hein has been included in Issue 15.1. She is co-editor of River Teeth‘s Beautiful Things weekly column.
Photo by Vegar Norman courtesy of Flickr