
June 24, 2024

By Hanna Saltzman

When my toddler looks for the moon he squirms in my grip, arcs his body toward the cold dark sky. It’s our routine as we walk home from daycare, he the last child there, hospital pager clipped to my pants, both of us hungry for time outside. Two years ago, as he danced in the darkness of my moon-belly, I imagined showing him the delights I saw: red berries on a clump of snow, aspens shimmering in the wind, how pink morning light frosts the jagged mountains rising behind our still-sleeping city.

Now, he shows me: a purple plastic bottle poking out from a pile of leaves, the neighbor’s puppy, how pigeons glitter as they rise together in flight. The moon.

Sometimes on smoggy nights, when the air tastes sour and cars are caked in a gray film of their own making, my child finds moons in streetlamps and neon signs, asking “Moon?” at each burst of light as I hustle us inside.

But on clear days, when he can see as far as the stars, he shouts “Moon!” with the warm, confident greeting of an old friend. His mittened hands stop their frantic sky-search, fall onto my shoulders. His body slackens, face tips back, smile spreads through red-cold cheeks. His awe, so pure it seems from another world.

“Moon,” he says again, quietly. I bury my nose in his hair, realizing that how he looks at the moon must be how I look at him.


Hanna Saltzman is a pediatrician, environmental advocate, and mother in Salt Lake City. You can read more at
Image by Andrés Gómez courtesy of Unsplash


  1. Jennifer Gaites

    Gosh, this is just gorgeous!

  2. Sarah Powley

    Oh! My heart! Thank you for this beautiful thing.

  3. Anne Marie Madziak

    This is a beautiful piece, capturing a mother’s love for her child in very few, well crafted sentences. The simplicity of the everyday rituals you and he share depict such tenderness and give the piece such poignancy.

  4. Rebecca R Weil

    Love the energy of this piece! The flip of perspective here is lovely: “Now, he shows me: a purple plastic bottle poking out from a pile of leaves, the neighbor’s puppy, how pigeons glitter as they rise together in flight. The moon.”
    Beautifully shared, thank you!

  5. Gail

    A beautiful and lyrical piece!

  6. Sheree Combs


    • Katherine Arnup

      What a beautiful piece of writing this is! Such vivid images – and such a wonderful recreation of a moment in a mother and child’s live together.

  7. Anita C. Fonte

    The last line made me sigh with joy. Images are strong and build the emotion.

  8. Colleen Hull Gray

    This is a wonderful piece. You’ve captured a toddler’s delight and a mother’s intense love so beautifully. The darkness of my moon belly is a lovely link.”

  9. Sheila Knell

    This was lovely! Great details, I could see it all.

  10. Meg Ellacott

    Lovely writing

  11. Toni Brayer

    Just beautiful

  12. Lorraine B Waldau

    I love the way we see something through a child’s eyes, and the mother takes the time to share this vision with him. I can smell his hair. She brings us into this quiet scene of love and wonder.

  13. Lindsey

    His body slackens – what a gorgeous line. Beautiful piece.

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